The Amazing Wildcat Race
DECA introduces new campaign to raise money for the United Way
Photo courtesy of Millard West DECA
This graph shows how just a little bit of money can help DECA. DECA found this campaign as a great way to incentivize these rewards.
October 27, 2022
Through the week of Oct. 17 and Oct. 21, DECA hosted a scavenger hunt called “The Amazing Wildcat Race.” There were five clues in total and to receive the first clue, each flex time class had to raise $25. The first clue was the only one to be given out electronically, and then the rest were found throughout the school.
Each clue had one specific answer, the first clue led to the second clue. But then students would have to go around the school to find the next clues. The answer to the fifth and final clue revealed the location of the grand prize. In total, three classes would win the grand prize, and the class that raised the most amount of money would get a surprise reward from DECA, whether that be cookies or a breakfast.
“Essentially I was looking for a way to get everyone doing a fun activity and get people out of their seats in the classroom and have some fun while simultaneously raising money for a good cause,” DECA sponsor Brady Hohl said. “Last year we did the Minute to Win it games, but I felt like some classes were at an advantage because their rooms were closer to the security desk, so I wanted to make it challenging enough to where it didn’t matter where your class was.”
The best part of the Amazing Wildcat Race is that all the money is going for a good cause, it all goes to the United Way of the Midlands. In total over $800 was raised.
“The United Way of the Midlands invests in more than 100 local nonprofit agencies,” principal Dr. Greg Tiemann said. “They also help in providing direct services that address social and economic disparities and meet community members’ essential needs.”
Some student members of DECA were also involved in making the Amazing Wildcat Race the best it can be.
“I went on the announcements every day last week and got people excited to hopefully participate,” senior officer Lillian McCrae said. “I have the title vice president of Community Outreach so I help plan volunteer events and several other operational things.”
This is one of the many things DECA does during each school year to help raise money and encourage more people to join DECA. This includes running the Scratchin’ Post and going to competitions.
“If a student wants to build their leadership skills, business skills, professional skills, life skills, or enjoys competition then it is a great club to participate in,” Hohl said. “The list of things we do in DECA is much bigger, but those are the main areas we cover without going into a ton of specifics.”
Throughout the school year, DECA will be sure to run more activities like this and continue to compete and win awards. DECA is the best club to be in for anyone who is interested in the business department and for preparing people for all future career possibilities.