A long lasting honor
Students celebrated for their ACT achievement
Sarah Carron is writing down vocab words for Spanish class. She does her work to the best of her ability in all classes and strives to get good grades. “ We were copying down vocab words onto a note sheet to help us get used to using them,” Carron said. “Then we used the new vocab to help us fill out a crossword puzzle.
October 3, 2019
Students that achieve 32 or higher on the ACT are admitted into the 32 and Above Club. The students were recognized on Thursday, September 12 in the Auditorium.
For the last five years, students that have achieved this score have been inducted into the Club, received a T-shirt and had their names and photos put up in the main lobby for students and faculty to see. Seniors Brady DeTavernier, Sarah Carron and Rohan Badal were just a few of 35 who joined the Club this year.
DeTavernier scored a 34 on the ACT during his first attempt. He studied from an ACT prep book that had everything from practice problems, formulas, strategies and tests. John Baylor had a great impact on his score as well, it improved DeTavernier’s reading and English rating greatly. Another thing he studied was the online ACT problems. They have many different tests that vary over different subjects.
“For those trying to do well on the ACT: don’t procrastinate, start studying ahead of time, and most importantly be well-rested,” DeTavernier said. “Most of the tests throughout high school I got lower grades on were those I was not well rested for. Don’t take sleep for granted, it can be what makes or breaks your future.”
Carron, on the other hand got a 32 on the ACT after nine attempts. Her studying tactics were to write down math formulas on note cards and review grammar rules for English. She did this because she felt it was what she missed the most on her previous tests. She recommends that for people who want to do good on the ACT, they should use all of their resources available to them and to never give up. Carron recommends if students don’t think they did their best or achieved to their fullest potential, retake it.
“Make sure you are comfortable,” Carron said. “If you think you’ll be hungry, take food, if you think you’ll be cold, take a blanket. Just the smallest things like taking a water bottle could boost your grade. You may not think it will make a difference, but it will in the long run.
Badal got a 34 on the ACT his second time taking it. He used the ACT online prep practice tests to help him study, they had hundreds of questions across different subjects, just like the real test would, so he knew he would be prepared. He focused a vast majority of his time on the English section, feeling it was the easiest to improve on. Badal knew that scholarship opportunities and possible higher ranked colleges could be more intrigued by his admission if he did well on this test. This is why he spent many hours studying trying to reach his goal, which he achieved and much more.
“Use online prep as it’s is the most important tool for improving your score,” Badal said. “If you think you’re going to struggle with a section beforehand, rather than studying things you already know, study that subject to save time and really make an impact to your score.”
Assistant principal Mark Hawkins who oversees the ACT is proud to have this many students in the Club this year. Hawkins stated many of the students in this club have taken hard classes over the years and have pushed themselves to do better since day one of high school. Currently, the senior class has 35 members in the Club, but Hawkins expects that to grow as many students are still taking it hoping to improve their scores.
“The 32 and Above Club is a club to truly identify students for all their hard work,” Hawkins said. “Many of these students take rigorous classes to grow their knowledge over different subjects and over the years accepted challenges that may be difficult, but have achieved them through hard work and perseverance.”
To see the complete list of students, check out the academic display outside the Administration Office.