A new way to learn

Continuing education abroad benefits students


Infographic by Brenna Batchelder

Studies done by the University of California have all proved that studying abroad positively impacts students’ futures. It should be something all students consider looking to the future.

Brenna Batchelder, Staff reporter

Traveling the world fills a spot on many people’s bucket lists. Luckily for students, colleges offer an opportunity for them that can mark that goal off. Studying abroad gives them a chance to explore the world while continuing their education.
The experience of studying abroad impacts students in many beneficial ways, one of them being able to work on their language skills. Conversing with the locals in a foreign language encourages practicing speaking in that foreign language. It also teaches conversational skills that wouldn’t be taught in an average class. The ability to speak a foreign language fluently improves travel experiences and looks appealing on future resumes.
On top of that, being a foreign student brings new career opportunities. The International Student states future employers and graduate school admissions boards look very highly on study abroad experiences. It shows that a student is very committed to their education and that they aren’t afraid to challenge themself. Studying abroad will impact the opinions of future employers and school admissions.
There are more benefits when it comes to studying abroad. Continuing your education in another country helps students experience new cultures and ideas. According to Northeastern University, studying abroad and meeting people with different upbringings, helps students widen their horizons and broaden their minds. Experiencing new cultures helps students form ideas about life which can help them grow as a person as they approach the rest of their life.
Being in a new country also brings new teaching styles. For example, The Guardian states that countries like Australia don’t heavily rely on exams to test their students. Instead of just regurgitating information on tests, they show what they have learned through projects and other work. Teaching styles vary from country to country, exposing young minds to new ideas and ways of learning. Like mentioned before, this broadens the horizons of students.
The price of a trip like this is a factor in deciding whether or not to go. Go Abroad says prices can range $18,000 per semester or $36,000 per full academic year. These prices might vary from place to place. The program is expensive but students can receive federal aid to help ease the cost of the trip. Though these programs might be pricey, in the end, the experience is worth it.
Students in Nebraska can find these opportunities at most large colleges. Study abroad programs can be found at college like the University of Omaha and the University of Lincoln.
All in all, going to study abroad has countless benefits. Students experience new and exciting things while continuing their education.
Unfortunately, as of right now, traveling abroad isn’t the best idea. Due to COVID-19 traveling is a health risk to anyone due to the infectious nature of it. Many programs are being shut down and sending their students home because of the virus. The Conversation states that many universities have canceled trips abroad, sent them home and certain ones have encouraged the students to not return home to prevent the virus from spreading. To keep individuals and others safe, avoid traveling to foreign countries for now and consider studying abroad in the future.