New age of technology
September 28, 2023
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About the Contributors

Sam Whittaker, Staff Reporter
Also known as the voice of Millard West Hockey, Sam is a senior at Millard West in his second full year on the Catalyst Staff. He spent the summer cheering on the Tennessee Volunteers baseball team on their way to a national championship and visiting colleges. In his free time, Sam cheers on his favorite Tennessee based sports teams whenever he isn’t working or covering Millard West athletics.

Nathan Delaney, Staff Reporter
Nathan is a senior at Millard West and this is his second year on the CATalyst staff. He is taking Advanced Journalism, Broadcast Journalism and Yearbook this year. This summer he went to multiple journalism camps and went on a family vacation to Alaska. He also worked with the President of the Nebraska Broadcasters Association, Jim Timm, on the High School Radio Project. He is looking forward to expanding to new parts of journalism and furthering his skills this year.

Jack Schense, Staff Reporter
Jack Schense is a senior at Millard West and this will be his first year on the staff. In the summer Jack went on vacations, and hung out with friends and family. His favorite activities are playing sports, watching sports, and playing video games. For his first year on the staff, Jack hopes to learn more about broadcasting.