Order up

Scooters coffee cart for teachers

photo by Kelsey Nunnenkamp

Senior Hunter Pratt helps science teacher Parker Lower in the Wildcat Cafe for Teacher Appreciation Day.

Maleah Arellano, Staff Reporter

This month the Alternative Curricular Program (ACP) has partnered up with Scooters to create a coffee cart for teachers. They will be rotating between four different students each week to deliver coffee every Wednesday. They call themselves the “Wildcat Café” and have created a menu for teachers to order from.

The menu includes a medium roast blend, dark roast Guatemala, hot chocolate, TAZO hot tea, and Soda. They also have add-ins you can put in your coffee as well. 

In order for this to all happen, special education teacher Nicole Schwalbach had to have a plumber and electrician install the café in her room. They have a coffee machine installed and are ready to begin serving. Making all of this happen was a timely process but it was worth it. 

“I’m very excited for our students to have this opportunity to practice important vocational skills,” Schwalback said. “Our program will really model what it would be like to work at a coffee shop like Scooters. We have the same equipment they use and we were trained on their values and customer service techniques. I am also excited for our students and staff to have the opportunity to get to know each other more through these deliveries.”

The “Wildcat Café” is a very good opportunity for not only students but teachers as well. ACP students will be experiencing what it’s like to be a barista. This will showcase the tasks and capabilities of disabled students. This is promoting acceptance and inclusion in the school community. Along with teachers being able to connect with other teachers.

This past Tuesday the students had their first trial run delivering coffee to teachers during a staff meeting and are now feeling pretty confident delivering coffee. 

“The students enjoyed visiting the teachers and staff to deliver their drinks,” Schwalbach said. “They were very eager to learn and help, I can tell this is something they like participating in.”

If staff want to purchase coffee they accept cash or card. To order the coffee staff will submit a google form the day before. Starting on Wednesdays, teachers make sure to go order a nice cup of coffee to start off your morning.