Spirit days and stuffed animals

Students celebrate HOSA Week and host a stuffed animal drive


Photo by Paige Hightower

Sophomore Emma Perman gives stuffed animals to a HOSA member, sophomore Emma McGargill. “It’s just a good thing to do because whoever is receiving them will be really happy and it’s good to help out kids who might not be as fortunate and as healthy as me,” Perman said. “I’m really glad I got to participate in the stuffed animal drive.”

Paige Hightower, Staff Reporter

On Monday Oct. 14, HOSA begins their week-long celebration of HOSA Week. With this, students can participate in HOSA’s first school-wide stuffed animal drive. Sponsors Amy McIver and Theodore Stocking ask students to donate new stuffed animals with tags to their Flex Time for children at the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. 

Posters around the school display the different ways to dress up throughout the week. Along with the spirit days, there are many other fun activities for students to learn and get interested in the club.

“We are celebrating with three dress-up or spirit days that are themed around HOSA,” McIver said.  “We are having a stuffed animal drive and a riddle contest. For three days a medically themed riddle will be read on the announcements and students will submit their answers via a Google Form. We will randomly select a winner each day for a free Scooters drink card.”

As a way to get students motivated to donate stuffed animals, the three Flex Time classes with the most donations will receive a breakfast party of their choice. While this may be a friendly competition between classes, it has a more significant meaning. 

“This year, we are fundraising for Children’s Hospital and Medical Center,” Stocking said.  “Specifically, we are hoping our school donates new stuffed animals that we can donate to children in need.”

Students in HOSA can’t wait to celebrate the rest of the week. The spirit days include wearing HOSA colors, a twin day and wearing your pajamas to school. Members hope to see the rest of the school participate in this fun week.

“I am looking forward to twin day the most,” sophomore Spencer Ford said. “I think that it’s important to raise awareness about blood donation. Twin day represents ‘be the match’, for blood and organ donations. The United States is currently in an ongoing blood shortage. Blood is one of the most vital resources. It allows doctors and nurses to save lives that previously could not be saved.”

While this week has been engaging for students around the school, it was important to the HOSA club that others recognize its importance, and also help the children in their community during difficult times.