Secret Kindness Agents

A new club centered around simple acts of kindness

WriteLife Publishing

The idea of Secret Kindness Agents all started from a book called Secret Kindness agents written by Ferial Pearson.

Hillary Van Buren, Staff Writer

“Kindness,” Mark Twain said. “The language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

Secret Kindness Agents, all started with Junior Skyler Tucker. Her dream: share the kindness she holds in her heart with others around her. She got a few other students together who also wanted to spread kindness and change this school, one step at a time.

Tucker saw that there was something missing in Millard West. She saw their needed to be more kindness throughout the school. Tucker wants this school to be a place where students feel happy and safe.

With the desire to create a more positive atmosphere, Tucker brainstormed a couple of ideas of what she could do to change the way students felt within school hours.

Tucker came up with the idea of a new club called Secret Kindness Agents.

“I felt like I needed to start this because even though are school isn’t full of bullying, it still happens and we want to be there to lift people up,” Tucker said.

Anyone can be kind to one another, but there is something about the students in this club that sets it apart from everyone else. They use agent names. This is a name each student will receive that they go by in the club in order to keep things anonymous.

“I love being involved in this club because it is an awesome opportunity,” German teacher Andrea Turner said. “It is a movement I am proud to be a part of.”

Simple acts of kindness, anonymous or not, are proven to increase someone’s self-value, relieve stress and decrease negative thoughts.

“This club is slowly making a change,” sophomore Miakoda Seuss said. “I do see a lot of potential and growth for this club.”

The advocates for change are committed and passionate about this kindness movement. Their goal is to set a new standard of positivity and self-value for Millard West students.

With dedication and patience this movement has the ability to change Millard West for the better. It will be filled with more encouragement for one another day by day.

“My goal is to make a difference in general that could be one person or the whole student body,” Tucker said. “I also hope that this club grows beyond the walls of the school.”