Holiday Tunes

Conductor Braash leads his woodwinds in a nice symphony. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.

Andrew Pfeifer, Staff Writer

The baritones are a huge contributor to the band. Their importance plays a huge roll. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Proud of his performers, Braash bows for his group of musicians. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Percussion provides a quality rhythm in order to keep the rest of the instruments in pace. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
The brass is the voice of the band. It adds pronuniciation to the music. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Conductor Braash gives all the credit to his crew. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Percussion working hard to transition over to their next piece. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Without a conductor, the whole band could de-rail without someone to keep the rhythm. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
The saxophones add a sweet melody to the concert. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Trombones add a bass sound into the mix as their roll is just as important. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
A standing ovation is much deserved for this hard working group of people. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
The bells back up the percussion making even the most annoying of sounds at times, beautiful. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
The humble conductor takes a bow. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
This group of students have been working tirelessly for months to bring a short, fun performance. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
Braash soothes down the band as they slowly graduate into pianissimo. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.
In sync, the bells preform their holiday jingle. Photo by Andrew Pfeifer.