A club for inclusion

Unified Cheer is a new tradition bringing people together

Anna Burton

The Millard West cheer team is cheering with the unified team at the pep rally

Winni Neil, Staff Reporter

The school started a Unified Cheer team that helps bring the students together, varsity and the unified team work together and preformed at the pep rally. Millard West has had unified teams for awhile, softball, bowling, basketball and many more, but this is a new beginning for cheer. Unified cheer has been an activity at other schools like Millard North but now West has it too. 

Having unified teams can give special students, who normally would feel as though they don’t belong, a place and feeling of belonging. Regular students who don’t do the sports help out as well. This team was started this year because other sports had unified teams and the cheerleaders felt that they should as well. 

This gives them a further sense of belonging when someone who normally wouldn’t be involved is. This makes connections between the students even better.

“I like working with the team because they always make me laugh,” sophomore Luci White said. “We all get along well and we do fun activities and practice cheers from varsity cheer for performances and stuff.”

The students who work with the team also have fun and enjoy what they do. Everyone that works with them thinks it’s worth it. Working with them always becomes something fun and they always have a good time. 

“I’ve been coaching Unified sports for a few years now and I absolutely love it,” coach Ali Bragg said “I am very excited about Unified Cheer because this is the first year, The other two Millard high schools have had it for years, so it is pretty cool that we will now as well.”

The school has finally started a tradition that means something. Other sports have unified teams and it’s important to have these teams to be inclusive of everyone.

“I’m really excited,” ACP student Bailey Beightol said. “I think it’s fun, and I will do good.”

Unified cheer is helping students start tradition and be inclusive of everyone. The school is doing what they can to include everyone and give them a shot. Students and staff had an amazing time watching their performance