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The Student News Site of Millard West High School

The Catalyst

The Student News Site of Millard West High School

The Catalyst

The Student News Site of Millard West High School

The Catalyst

Mr. Green, a character notorious for his anxiety and germaphobia, played by Brykin Jones, is shown shocked and disgusted as two ‘dead’ bodies lay next to him.

Clue premieres with a full house

Valerie Pioppi, Staff Reporter
December 5, 2022
Sophomore Madalynn Johnson performs her callback song at the International Thespian Festival in Bloomington, Indiana., an opportunity only a handful of students experience. "I feel that all of the things that have happened made me a better performer, and also made me more confident in myself," Johnson said. "And to be honest, all that has happened this year and last year don’t seem real."

A natural performer

Paige Hightower, Staff Reporter
September 2, 2022
Projecting their voices, students from a dozen schools across the state spread awareness of the importance of theater. When advocating for theater, the students fight for every thespian in Nebraska to have equal funds to support their theater programs. “We met with our state senators to recognize theater as an important part of education, ” junior Isaiah Helenthal said. “ I contacted my senator and we asked to make an appointment to talk about theater, also how it affects us in hopes they recognize how impactful it can be, to students' lives, and the importance of theater education.”

Funding for the arts

Zianya Salgado, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2022
This is the group picture of the Theatre department attending the festival last year.

Tweaking theater traditions

Jasmine Hermosillo-Padilla, Editor-in-Chief Catalyst Online
December 18, 2020
In order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, the Theater Department decided to livestream the play for people to watch on Striv. Audience members were invited to watch the show from their homes. “The biggest challenge was making it accessible to the audience,” director Brooke Phillips said. “We couldn't have people come in person so we streamed it live and setting that all up for the first time was really tricky. I picked this play because it is about a family escaping world wide disasters over and over.  Humans have survived wars, floods, dinosaurs, an ice age.  I wanted people to feel like we could survive this crazy pandemic.”

A production abridged

Anna Blumenthal, Entertainment Editor
December 9, 2020
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