The people of the United States are no strangers to the devastating effects of natural disasters. On Friday, April 26, the Elkhorn-Bennington area was hit head-on with hail and tornadoes.
The storms leading up to the disaster were harsh, but it was nothing Nebraska hadn’t faced before.
“Severe storms lifted northeast across western into central Iowa late in the afternoon into the evening of Friday, April 26, 2024,” the Des Moines Weather Forecast Office writes.
The storms touched down around 3:00 p.m., confining many inside their homes, schools and workplaces. Others, however, saw this as an opportunity to broaden their horizons and learn new things.
One such person is Millard West junior Luka Pashia. Pashia expresses his interest in finding opportunity even in the wreckage.
“I had hoped that there would be no news station when I got there,” Pashia said. “I figured I could get a jumpstart in publicity.”
Within and around the affected areas, people and organizations have set to work aiding displaced families and people. The Walmart on 168th & West Maple has been providing free laundry services to people in need.
Despite the horrible storm, the silver lining of the cumulous cloud is the deep connection within each community as a result of the devastation.