Released on March 15, 2024, the video game “Oh Deer” has quickly become a popular multiplayer game to play with friends. The objective is different for players, one player acts as the hunter, while up to four others take on the role of deer.
As the hunter, your goal is to use various tools like sound and gadgets to find and eliminate the other players before nightfall. However, distinguishing between real players and AI deer adds to the challenge.
For the deer players, the objective is to hide from the hunter by blending in with AI generated deer on the map. Eating food is crucial to avoid hunger, but doing so at the wrong time could jeopardize your survival and reveal that you aren’t one of the many AI deer.
“Oh Deer” is an exciting gaming experience that combines elements of strategy, teamwork and suspense. I found that this game is most fun to play in a group of five, with one player having the role of the hunter and others as deer, it creates a dynamic and thrilling environment where every match feels different.
The strategic depth lies in the hunter’s ability to use multiple different gadgets and observation to track down and eliminate the deer players. Not only do you have to keep an eye on all of the deer but you also must listen for sound cues that sound unnatural. This aspect not only tests the players skill but also encourages creative thinking and adaptability.
On the other hand, playing as a deer presents its own set of challenges and excitement. The need to blend in with AI deer while avoiding detection keeps players on their toes, requiring careful planning and quick decision-making.
The game’s emphasis on teamwork and communication adds another layer of enjoyment, as players must coordinate their actions to outsmart the hunter or escape them.
Overall, I give “Oh Deer” a 9/10 in terms of fun and a 7/10 in terms of gameplay. “Oh Deer” offers a unique and thrilling multiplayer experience that is both engaging and addictive. For its price being only $9.99 I think it is a very well made, fun game to play with friends. Its blend of strategic gameplay, suspenseful atmosphere and teamwork make it a stand out.