Substandard student behavior
The lack of school etiquette in public schools

Infographic by Alexis Bahensky
Poor student behavior has been an issue for years, but with the help of both staff and students, those issues could be easily resolved.
March 2, 2022
Informing students about correct behavior while in a learning environment is a top priority for school systems today. Proper school etiquette maintains order in the classroom and conserves relationships between peers. However, these rule systems tend to not always be followed. As every student is different, so is their ability to respect and follow the proper etiquette schools require. Students need to exercise respect for their schools by living up to their educational expectations.
In rather recent times, a variety of factors affect the behavior of students both in and out of the classroom. Above all, the media seems to have the most significant influence. As new trends circulate the internet, new problems arise. Popular social apps, like TikTok, have resulted in many in-school issues over the years. These internet crazes can be very easily taken way out of hand, which is exactly what happened during the “devious licks” trend of 2021. Students went around vandalizing school property and stealing them in the process. From soap dispensers torn off the walls to stall doors ripped from their hinges, the amount of money spent to replace items like these was absolutely ridiculous with some schools spending up to $15,000 in damage.
In a study conducted by The Journal of Education and Entrepreneurship, 306 randomly selected students answered questions in relation to social media and the effect they feel it has on both their education and behavior in school. This study showed how social media has made a definite popularity increase in schools, but also how it has made an adverse impact on how students will behave for years to come.
The cliques students create for themselves throughout their high school career is another major determinant of whether school etiquette is followed or not. It is clearly shown that the people a student surrounds themselves with shape their day-to-day efforts in school. If a student is participating in impulsive acts, then, in most cases, it influences others associated with that person to act in a similar way. A disappointing estimate of only 58% of students said that their friends valued studying, attending school, and getting good grades, which are general school etiquette rules. Putting education as a top priority is an essential when it comes to being successful. Making sure to maintain good grades, showing consistent attendance, and preparing yourself for assignments are all ways to maintain proper school etiquette.
Commonly seen at schools from all over, congregating in the halls and near the restrooms has also become quite the dilemma. Especially at Millard West, crowding both in and out of the restrooms makes it almost impossible for students to use these facilities quickly and get to class on time. Students also tend to group in front of major stairways and entrances, causing others to have to squeeze past while getting a face full of backpacks along the way. This lack of respect towards other students and school rules affects the overall function of both the restrooms and the hallways. While it’s great to meet up with friends during school hours, it would make it way more convenient for other staff and students if groups were more spread out and walkways were cleared for those trying to get to class in a timely manner.
The way students tend to treat their peers and staff members has also become a recurring issue when it comes to conventional school etiquette. To make schools a safe and welcoming environment, all attendants should be treated with an equal amount of respect and consideration. However, there is an extensive difference between how students are expected to act and the reality of it. The ways in which students treat their teachers have major implications on students’ academic and social development. Therefore, poor treatment reflects poor consequences back onto students. Making sure to provide teachers and other staff members with generosity and kindness ensures an inviting environment for everyone.
The way students behave in school widely impacts the educational system as a whole. Proper school etiquette remains one of the most important aspects of student success and achievement during their highschool career. Not only should students be aware of both the rights and wrongs of their behavior, but teachers should also be there to inform them about it and really nail the idea that correct school etiquette will help them on the road to great things.