Aspiring teaching career
Annual Educators Rising conference brings together students to network with professionals
As the year starts, Educators Rising also begins. Onto their first conference of the year, at the UNO campus, they went their separate ways to learn about the academic field to grow in education. “As far as who plans it, there are Nebraska State officers for Educator Rising,” academy teacher Ali Bragg said. “There are Education Academy students who are currently serving as President and Secretary. They help run and plan events like this.”
September 28, 2021
On Wednesday, Sept. 22, Ed Rising went to a Nebraska Educators Rising Fall conference at the University of Nebraska Omaha. The students were invited to a series of sessions where the Academy teachers talked about the aspects of teaching, the curriculum they use in their classrooms, and different educational programs.
Ed Rising, a program in which high school and even some college students join to get the opportunities they need to become involved with the school community, participated in a day that focused on giving students the information they need to further advance in the teaching field.
“I wanted to join Ed Rising because I’m passionate about becoming a teacher and I wanted to meet people who share the same interest,” senior Ed Rising State President Hope Belcastro said. “I also wanted to have a role in planning events for the organization. It gives me an important leadership experience that benefits me in the classroom one day and the rest of my life.”
When first arriving on the UNO campus for their informational conference, students attended three different breakout sessions, listening to keynote speakers on relevant topics of education. There was one on how to be a coach, things that may go on in school you don’t think about, an ACP classroom, and more for students with different interests.
“My favorite part was the ACP talk,” senior Peyton Busteed said. “I really enjoy working with them and I am considering working in an ACP classroom.”
When all of it was finished, they also had the option of touring the UNO campus, and many students went along. They looked at all of the academic buildings and the education major classes. After a 45-minute campus walking tour, the students ended in the dorms.
“It made me very excited to apply at UNO and be an education major,” senior Megan Vanessen said. I wanted to attend the tour because UNO is my number one choice right now and I wanted to see if it would be a good fit for me.”
That same day, Ed Rising held a fundraiser at Chipotle to raise money for the National conference in Washington DC in June. During this fundraiser, the students will go in and explain they are from the Education Rising team. They will advertise food on the menu and in return, the restaurant will donate 33% back.
There are positions in the class as well to further help organize the things they do and learn about. A position for chapter officers, a “smaller” role in the association has been taken by senior Taylor Hendricks and senior Riley Hurt.
“Through the school year, we shadow the previous chapter officers,” Hendricks said. “Our responsibilities include planning various bonding events for our academy, as well as organizing fundraisers for our academy and the community.”
To become one of these leaders, they have an application open in February and anyone involved in the academy can apply. Once they are chosen, you are interviewed and two people will be picked from there. For state leaders, you have to film a video of a speech introducing yourself and why you want the position. Then you are interviewed by the Ed Rising delegates. Those who got it will be announced at the state conference and finally, you get to go to the SOLA (state officers leadership academy) and decide amongst yourselves who gets what position.