The future of live music
How different venues are hosting socially distanced concerts
Cars lined up and distanced from each other at the new outdoor venue in Denmark show another way people can safely enjoy live music. People at the concert are able to connect to a private FM radio station so that they can hear the performer in their car.
September 14, 2020
Since COVID-19 hit at the beginning of March, people have missed out on many things they used to be able to enjoy. With social distancing still being very important to combat the spread of the coronavirus, people have found different ways to adapt. One creative way people are able to enjoy themselves is social distancing concerts.
The music industry was heavily impacted by the spread of coronavirus. According to the World Economic Forum, in the first six months, the industry lost over 10 billion dollars in sponsorships without live performances. During quarantine, artists found different ways to interact with fans like live streaming performances. Unfortunately, nothing is quite the same as seeing an artist live.
A pop-up arena in the UK held one of the first social distancing concerts. This allowed singer Sam Fender to perform live for the first time in months. The outdoor venue allowed for a crowd of about 2,500 people. Fans sat on raised platforms that were placed six feet away from each other. A maximum of five people from the same household was allowed on each platform.
Although it looks very different from a regular concert these platforms provide a concert experience that will not only be enjoyable but keep people safe.
Another way venues are still hosting live performances is through drive-in concerts. Fans are able to drive up to venues and enjoy the show from the comfort of their own cars. One example of this is a show in Denmark where singer Mads Langer performed for a crowd of around 500 people all socially distanced and in their cars. According to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, everything went according to plan and fans were very respectful of all social distancing guidelines.
Omaha has also had a few drive-in concerts of its own. Falconwood Park hosted six different artists between the months of May and June. Fans were able to drive up to the outdoor venue and park their cars six feet apart. A maximum of 6 people per car was allowed. People also had the opportunity to get out of the car and sit on blankets and chairs. Social distancing guidelines were heavily enforced to ensure that all of the concert-goers stayed healthy.
While it may not look the same as it has in the past, fans are still lucky to finally have the opportunity to see their favorite performers live after a long quarantine.