Preview on the paranormal
World’s most haunted museum finds its final resting place in Nebraska
Owners of the Museum stand proudly infant of their business.
January 16, 2020
The Museum of Shadows is a hotspot for paranormal activity in the midwest. People travel from all over the world to see this haunted hotspot, the museum has been a famous tourist attraction. In Plattsmouth, Nebraska, The Museum of Shadows was voted the most haunted in the world. The Museum has its own show on Amazon Prime called Museum of Shadows and is featured on Paranormal: Caught on Camera on the Travel Channel.

A photo in front of the Museum of Shadows in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. This Museum is voted most Haunted in the world that only has haunted artifacts.
Located on 502 Main Street, the building for the Museum of Shadows was built in 1871. Once a home, doctor’s office, dentist office and pharmacy the building finds a new purpose for the paranormal. Guests have stated that they are physically touched and hear children’s voices. Poltergeist activity has been caught on camera and has been verified. This four-story building is known for having the cities catacombs beneath it. They found 13 deaths in this building due to attacks, murders and people being left for dead. This influences the claims of paranormal possibilities. The founders of the museum, Nate and Kaleigh Raterman, are both professional investigators and specialists in demonology.
All the objects go through two weeks of a strict quarantine process to see its history. The quarantine process is to see if there’s a spirt attached. This requires many tests with an object that is isolated to see if they’re more to the object spiritually. They offer free checks on haunted objects. Owners with these objects have the possibility to be put on display.
One of the displayed, Ayda, has been voted the most haunted doll in the world. Sitting in a glass case, it’s displayed in the front of the museum. She has been caught moving in her case through videos. According to the museum, there’s a 6-year-old girl attached to Ayda that loves attention and interacts with guests regularly.
With this being the most popular haunted tourist attractions, they offer a ghost hunting activity that allows guests to work with the founders of the museum. They provide with top of the line film equipment to investigate the building. Also, visitors have the option to do a sit challenge that allows the guest to be in a completely dark room for 10 minutes in the basement which is known as the most haunted room.
When I walked into the Museum they were selling sage, crystals and holy water. It was a self-guided tour that allows you to walk through the museum freely. When viewers walk around, so they can read cards about the haunted objects that all have an interesting past. There were also Xs on the ground throughout the building showing where people died or were murdered.
One of the most exciting parts was in the basement. My favorite room was one which that had the salt entrance to protect from demons and spirits. Ironically, this room is known for having demonic spirits. They have a bowl of holy water before the entrance and had lots of artifacts such as a burnt bible that was used during an exorcism.
My friends and I decided to do the 10-minute challenge. We sat in the center of the room by a haunted casket and a wall of Ouija boards. We were in complete darkness and right next to the world’s second most haunted doll known as Demus. Throughout the 10 minutes challenge, we heard lots of noises and it had a glooming eerie feeling the whole time. While we were doing the challenge we were being filmed so guests upstairs could watch it. The admission was $15 dollars and the $10 minute was 10 dollars extra.
I would definitely recommend this museum for anyone who loves a good scare or learning about the paranormal. It was a very thrilling experience from learning about haunted objects and their stories.
5/5 Stars