Dreams coming true

Junior becomes Homecoming princess

photo courtesy of Delaney Richardson

Surprised, junior Delaney Richardson finds out she won Homecoming Princess after her softball game. Her friends and family give her flowers and sash to her which she later on wears on Homecoming night.

Michelle Miller, Staff Reporter

Almost every little girl’s dream is to become a princess in some way, but rarely do they actually grow up to be one. For junior Delaney Richardson, her dream of becoming a princess finally came true on Thursday, September 26th. 

Getting nominated for Homecoming princess is so special because the entire junior class gets sent a Google form and gets to fill out who they think should win based on the kindness they have and how they show it. A lot of girls get their named filled in on the form for potential Homecoming Princess, but only a few get chosen for nominees. Richardson was one out of the five nominees.                                                           

Everyone that got chosen to be Homecoming Royalty was required to do a few things. For example, they had to fill out a form explaining what kindness means to them and some fun questions that they would share at the pep rally. They also were a part of a Homecoming Royalty broadcast where they were asked fun questions about themselves. This broadcast was shown at the pep rally before the Homecoming game which the nominees had to introduce themselves and share a fact about themselves. 

“When I got nominated, it was honestly such a cool feeling,” Richardson said. “ When they showed we were nominated they had us get interviewed and answer fun questions and we were announced at the pep rally with a video about all the nominees shared. It was awesome, but I was kind of nervous.”

The Homecoming game against Bryan High School was where they announced the winners of Homecoming royalty. Unfortunately, Richardson could not make the Homecoming game because she had a softball game at the same time, so her parents and neighbor, senior Zachary Olson, proudly walked the field for her. At halftime after both band and dance team were finished performing, all of the nominees and their parents or siblings walked down the field while getting announced. After everyone was finished walking down the field, they announced the winners and Richardson had won homecoming princess. They gave her family the sash and flowers they got for winning. 

“When I found out I won it was such a cool feeling, I was really overwhelmed but in a good way,” Richardson said. “ When all the nominees had to walk down the field at halftime, I could not make it so I had my neighbor Zach Olson walk with my parents with a big picture of my head and they gave him the sash and flowers. When my softball game got over I was able to get my sash and flowers, it was awesome.” 

 Along with having the pep rally and Homecoming game honor the nominees and winner, Richardson also wore the sash she won during the Homecoming dance and pictures. Richardson is very excited to have won and finds it even more exciting because her mom won Homecoming royalty when she was younger. Her mom and her sister are both very excited she had won. 

“I am so proud that she presents herself in a way that people see her as a kind individual, “mother Lisa Richardson said. “I think I felt like I won in a way. Because she wasn’t able to be there, having her fathead carried by Zach was hilarious. The student section was the best and I know Delaney would have loved it. Thanks to all who voted and go Cats!”

Richardson, apart from being on royalty, supported everyone else on royalty and was happy for everyone there. Her family and friends were so proud of her for how much she has grown as a person and how kind she is.

“The best part of winning was probably my sister’s reaction,” Richardson said. “When I found out at my softball game, they announced it and the first thing she did was run over to me and give me a hug and lifted me up and spun me around it was cute. Winning was kind of funny though because when my mom was in high school she won princess too so I didn’t really ever think I was going to as well but it is cool that we both did.” 

The kindness she has is outstanding because even though she was super excited about being nominated and even winning, she hated going against her friends because she believes that they were all such good candidates to win.