As the new school year unfolds, classrooms and hallways buzz with the energy of fresh faces that are ready to depart on their high school journey. This new wave of students brings a fresh sense of vitality to the building and community, with approximately 580 new freshmen making their way to the Millard West building as well as numerous other students from different schools, including those from other countries, joining the ranks of the Wildcats.
Adapting to the Millard West environment can come as a challenge for many, especially for incoming freshmen who find themselves adapting to the new schedule that high school brings. One of many freshmen that this change affects is freshman Lily Gentleman.
“Although I’m enjoying high school a lot, balancing eight classes, which all have homework, is honestly pretty difficult,” Gentleman said. “ I am enjoying the variety of clubs and after school activities a lot though.”
However, students who have walked the halls before, but not to begin the school year are finding themselves in awe of the commencement of the school year and the novelty of a new beginning. One of those students that is ever so captivated by all of this is junior Michael Kennedy, who became a Wildcat toward the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
“I was here at West toward the end of the year last year, but I’m experiencing some things that I didn’t get to experience last year,” Kennedy said. “The football game especially, was definitely an experience that I didn’t have at my last school.”
Joining the chorus of positive comments is freshman Miley Blue, who has truly embraced her first year with open arms.
“High school here at Millard west has definitely been different, but it is a good kind of different,” Blue said. “I feel like there’s more freedom than you have in middle school and people take you more seriously.”
All in all, there seems to be a common thread among the new students joining the Millard West family—the new students are truly finding their footing as Wildcats. Whether it’s the thrill of new experiences that were absent at a previous school, or the newfound sense of autonomy that sets high school apart from middle school. These students are setting the stage for a positive and vibrant academic journey. As they continue to explore the corners of the school, build relationships with their peers and staff, the faces here at West are undeniably savoring the positive vibes that accompany this thrilling experience in this chapter of their lives.