Giving her all

Female wrestler makes it to State

Photo Courtesy of Brooklyn Vaughn

After a long and demanding season, freshman Brooklyn Vaughn prepares for State. She is finally able to show that all her hard work has paid off.

Ariana Griffin, Catalyst Online Editor-in-Chief

On Thursday, Feb. 16, freshman wrestler Brooklyn Vaughn went to State. 

Vaughn has been practicing for over six months since summer for this opportunity to go to State. She practiced at Wrestling with Character (WWC) club over the summer along with the tournaments and practice she’s done this school year. Practicing pre-season and off-season from Monday through Saturday every week has helped her prepare. Also, girls wrestling just recently became a National School Activities Association (NSAA) sport two years ago. Vaughn will be one of the first NSAA competitors in Nebraska. 

“I’m not nervous,” Vaughn said. “If I say that I’m nervous, I’m going to be nervous and it’s going to affect my performance. So more than nervous, I’m excited. I want to wrestle and I want to show them what it’s all about. I want to show them that you don’t have to sleep on me because I’m going to beat you. So, I’m not nervous because there’s no point to be. This is what I do and I do it every day.”

After the team captain, senior Julia Mcklem, broke her collarbone, the rest of her team members were happy and willing to help Vaughn prepare for State. At this point, the team is confident that Vaughn is ready and going to be successful in wrestling at State.

“Brooklyn going to State makes me super excited,” freshman Kaitlyn Ferguson said. “It’s awesome to see her hard work pay off. She’s one of my teammates in the off-season too so we’re pretty tight. She earned it. I’ve helped Brooklyn prepare for State by being her practice partner when our team captain broke her collarbone and was out for the season as well as pushing her when it came to weight loss.”

When helping Vaughn prepare for State, the rest of her team would switch in between intervals of one minute, using different moves on her and readying her for what it’ll be like to wrestle at State. Her team is not required to be there and help her, but they stick with her anyways. Even though she’s the only one going to State, the effort of the rest of her team shines through Vaughn and will shine through in her performance at State. 

“I’m excited for the thrill of the experience for her to go to State,” girls varsity wrestling coach Lynn Sorich said. “I mean, it’s what you work for. It’s the first day you walk on that mat you’re preparing for this day; for State. So, I’m excited for her to see how it all plays out, you know, starting at the beginning and making it to the end. Seeing all those people, the crowds, and everything else and knowing that she worked her hardest to get there.”

Although wrestling is draining physically and mentally, the pride and effort that these girls put in show their dedication to the sport. Vaughn and the rest of the wrestling team have Nationals to look forward to in March.