Interning for a career
Millard partners up with Omaha businesses to increase access of paid work for students

Recently, Juniors at Millard West have gotten the opportunity to intern at numerous businesses in Omaha. The process to apply is exceptionally easy and many benefits can come from the experience.
December 12, 2019
April 22nd through May 10th, juniors have the opportunity to apply for numerous internships throughout Omaha. Millard Public Schools is teaming with Avenue Scholars to increase the access of paid internships for students beginning the summer after their junior year of high school.
Millard West juniors went to a meeting to find out more about the program. The meeting consisted of students and teachers involved in the program speaking about their experiences, benefits and routine of the programs themselves.
“It’s the Avenue Scholars working with the local schools looking to help students look at jobs around the area involved with their individual talents and skills,” Principal Greg Tiemann said. “There are multiple schools and many businesses participating.”
A few parts go into applying for an internship and they don’t take much time.
“The application process is super-easy!” Avenue Scholars internship coordinator, Cindy Siadek said. “All current juniors in the Millard, Westside, OPS, DC West, and Ralston school districts are eligible to apply. “All they need to do is 1) go to the website: to see the list of internships available (listed by industry, employer, position, and pay), 2) Click on the job description link to take them to a one-pager that describes the internship, 3) Click on the application link to complete an application, attach a resume and submit for consideration.”
Students can benefit from this program; they could also pick a possible career while picking where they want to intern.
“The benefits are great for both sides,” Tiemann said. “For students, they are paid, receive college and high school credit and they get an opportunity to work on a job site to see if that’s what you want to do with life. Also, some companies are so interested in our students and will keep them through college and possibly as a career.”
Businesses also benefit from having student interns.
“Benefits for the businesses are numerous as well: opportunity to employ a senior while meeting a business need, ease the strain on recruiting, train and observe an intern, determine trainability and dedication to learn with the possibility of extending a job offer post-graduation, developing a workforce which eases the search for qualified candidates, reducing the ‘brain drain’ which keeps our talented workforce here in Omaha,” Siadek stated.
This program is also known as a good way to keep students in Omaha. In many cases, teens want to move out of the state for and after college, which can affect the economy. Since some companies will possibly keep students through their careers, more students will stay in Omaha throughout their lives.
Tiemann would love to see all juniors working with an Omaha business as it can give them a spectacular experience that not everyone can experience.
“In my opinion, I would like to see every student apply for the internship, it a great learning experience,” Tiemann said. “It helps you focus on skills that you need to help you decide if that’s what you want to do in college or for a career.”
Junior Michelle Zhang was interested in becoming an intern and decided to see what it was all about, ending with a decision to apply to multiple businesses.
“I applied for two of the healthcare internships,” Zhang said. “One being the sterile services summer assistant and the other being processing summer assistant. There are internships in healthcare, business, auto and diesel and information technology.”
Zhang and many others express their excitement to start possibly interning for businesses they are interested in. Benefits for junior interns are also a big excitement for the students.
“I am excited to get the benefits discussed and reiterated at the meeting,” Zhang said. “Some being connections and experience gained through each of the internships.”
If the junior is accepted as an intern, they will go through a skills course and have coursework throughout the year. Later, after finishing all of the coursework and skills course, the paid internships will start and an internship coach will be provided. These coaches will help the intern throughout and give them tips to become successful.
Selections will later be made by business partners of this program early next year.
“Applications will be forwarded to business partners for review and interview selection in late January,” Siadek said. “Interviews will be scheduled with employers for early February with selections made by the end of the month.”
Soon after selections are made, students will start the process to become an intern.