For the second time, Millard West is having their food drive for Millard South’s pantry through Feb. 24 – Apr. 7.
These food and hygiene products are going to the students of Millard South who are in need of certain necessities. Staff and students of Millard West are welcome to donate items like canned foods, baking mixes, body wash and hair hygiene items. In times of need, it is necessary to help out communities who may not have certain luxuries others find to be the bare minimum.
“If we don’t help each other and everybody helps themselves,” sophomore Sophia Pitcher said. “Then nobody will be there for us when we need it and we won’t feel like anybody cares.
Justice and Diversity league is a club centered around giving voice to the underrepresented groups. This can be seen through the items in the food drive being donated because of certain ethnicities and gender.
“There is a need for diverse communities, too,” co-sponsor of the Justice & Diversity League Angela Bosak said. “I know when I talked to Mrs. Nehls over at South. She said, since they have a population that has a lot of people of color in it, they need a lot of hair care and skin care products specifically for African Americans and coarse hair.
Members of the club meet every Thursday at 3:20, in Room 253. For the pantry, they are helping out in many ways, not only just donating their food but their time as well. These meetings normally last till 4:00 and they discuss other ways they can help their community.
“I help by making the posters, distributing them around the school and talking to my friends about donating,” sophomore Eden Veys said. “I haven’t donated yet but I’m planning to in the next couple of days.”
It is easy to take for granted food and other necessities but staying informed about the community’s needs is essential. Although Millard West does not have a pantry for our students in need of food and hygiene products, it’s important to donate to the community.