Photo courtesy of IMDB

Charting the uncharted

Movie with a nostalgic and adventurous storyline hits theaters

Starring familiar favorites such as Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg, “Uncharted” was released to theaters on Feb. 18, 2022, where it immediately got the attention of the Holland fan base. 

“Uncharted” is a movie where a treasure hunter named Victor “Sully” Sullivan played by Wahlberg recruits a street-smart young adult Nathan Drake played by Holland to help him recover a 500-year-old lost fortune collected by explorer Ferdinand Magellan. What starts out as a heist soon becomes a worldwide traveling race to reach the $5 billion of treasure before enemy Santiago Moncada played by Antonio Banderas can find it as Nathan Drake searches and wonders about his missing brother.

The film ran at about one hour and 56 minutes. In the first hour audiences watch the characters get to know each other and form a relationship and follow them as they travel to South America. As they search, they have to use gold keys that Sully had searched for years to use to locate the coordinates of where the gold was located. Leading into the second half of the film, audiences see more of the enemies’ process and what their plan was to sabotage Sully and Nathan Drake as they continue to search for the missing gold.

“Uncharted” had a similar plot to movies like “Indiana Jones” and “The Goonies” where all three movies the goal of the main characters was to find the gold that had been left behind or lost from historians. Although similar to those movies “Uncharted” added a twist of backstabbing and sabotaging characters that they had befriended. Characters such as Sophia Taylor Ali’s character Chloe Frazer sabotaged Sully and Nathan Drake when taking the map they had found by using the keys to go and give to Santiago Moncada.

I really enjoyed the scene sequence the film has. It starts with a very action suspense-filled opening scene of Nathan Drake hanging out of a plane. Then it jumps to a flashback of when he was younger with his older brother, who fled the orphanage they lived in when he got in trouble for breaking into a museum. As the film goes along it connects scenes of the so-called “good” characters and the “bad” characters. One of my favorite scenes was when Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer were underground and Sully was following their location with his phone above ground and it would bounce back and forth and show them as they moved along.

The sound effects and pictures of the movie were very well done. There was a scene where the “bad” guys were flying the ships with the gold in them above the ocean, and although the main focus was on the ships and the intensity of the scene, you could see the detail that was on the ships and in the ocean as they flew by.

Overall I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to get out and get a good laugh and see an action- filled movie. Throughout the film, there were subtle but hilarious moments between the characters Sully and Nathan Drake. Although it was similar to other movies in the past about searching for treasure, the producers put their own twist on it by adding more of a humorous plot and made it something different. 

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