The Catalyst • May 8, 2018 •
Jim Johnston Memorial Blood Drive
Madelyn Anderson, Opinions Editor
Madelyn AndersonRegistration begins the process.Student donors make a difference.Senior Elizabeth Dahlgaard works at her final blood drive.Madelyn AndersonNurses were busy throughout the event.Madelyn AndersonDonors wait patiently for their chance to give blood.Madelyn AndersonHOSA reached their goal for the biggest blood drive of the year.Madelyn AndersonThe American Red Cross works hard to help students save lives.Madelyn AndersonStudents anxiously await to see if they are deferred.Madelyn AndersonPower Red donors line up to save lives.Madelyn AndersonOfficers work at the registration tables.Madelyn AndersonOfficers cook pancakes for the donors.Madelyn AndersonBuddy the Blood Drop guards the snacks.Madelyn AndersonJunior Isabella Miceli laughs off the nerves.Madelyn AndersonParents also contribute to HOSA’s blood drive efforts.Madelyn AndersonStudents relax and enjoy their time out of class.Madelyn AndersonEmpty seats await donors.Madelyn AndersonPatty Johnston, wife of Jim Johnston, made an emotional donation.Madelyn AndersonSenior Tyler Andersen also gets deferred from donating.Madelyn AndersonSenior Lindsay Vetick gets deferred from donating.Madelyn AndersonSenior Abby Stevens works at registration.Madelyn AndersonHOSA Officers wear scrubs to blood drive events.Madelyn AndersonRed Cross Staff helps HOSA reach their goal.