Head Principal Dr. Greg Tiemann addresses the freshman on their first day of highschool on expectations of being a great student at the high school level. During the first day of school freshman attend their first prep rally and get welcomed into the high school by mainly well known faculty members. “ The purpose of this was to welcome the Class of 2028 to Millard West High School, introduce key staff members who will support them, and instill our core values of Positivity, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence (Pride),” said Tiemann. “We want our students to embrace our school's culture, make the most out of high school, achieve their potential, and get involved. I was very proud of our Class of 2028 on how well they listened and I think as a whole they are off to a great start”. Photo Courtesy of Chloe Vaughn
On Thursday, Aug. 8, freshmen had their first day of school to get accommodated to the new school after finishing their tenure in middle school.
The first official day of school was an all freshman day. This allows the incoming freshman to get acclimated in a completely different environment than the past. Freshman spent the day learning the rules of high school and the differences it has from middle school. Most freshmen have a lot of nerves built up from the summer about starting in a new school where they are no longer the oldest in the school.
“Transitioning from middle school to high school can feel a bit overwhelming,” counselor Katherine Van Ravenhorst said. “From credits to being an underclassman to finding your way among a sea of 2300 students, we find that many incoming ninth graders have so many questions and worries about the unknown. Freshmen First Day (Wildcat Welcome) gives them an opportunity to find their classes, tour the building, meet fellow classmates, connect with their advisor and other teachers, figure out lunch and get a little more comfortable in their “home away from home.”Wildcat Welcome is a day for 9th graders to visit the activities fair as well, because getting involved and finding your niche helps promote academic success and social/emotional well-being.”
Struggling to find classes, knowing high school rules and knowing who your teachers are can be just a few things that freshmen think about or need to know when in high school. Having the Cat Crew around helps the students understand what highschool is like from other upperclassmen. These upperclassmen volunteer to give their advice that they may have wished that they knew when they were in ninth grade and new to Millard West.
“I really liked having the Cat Crew involved during my first day of school just because I was completely unfamiliar with the new environment that was now in,” freshman Casey Kpehart said. “If there was something that I needed help finding, the Cat Crew was there to help me out. I realized that I didn’t need to worry as much about being around kids much older than me after being around the Cat Crew for a few hours on our first day.”
New students may have issues with a new school especially when they are the youngest and sometimes the smallest. Knowing a few people from middle school that are going to the same high school as you seems to be one of the better ways to get acclimated to the new high school setting.
“I wasn’t too nervous about going from middle school to high school because I have been around the football team for most of my life,” freshman Vince Peterson said. “On my first day of high school I just stuck around people I knew.”
Allowing freshmen to start a day earlier than the rest of school is a great way to help the students get an idea what the next four years will be like as the road to graduation is the shortest it has ever been before.