Sam Blecha
Released in June of 2023, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse” was the second installment of the franchise.
Five years after “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” was released, Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) returns to theaters to leave the audience stunned once again. All is well in Miles’s world until an unknown multiversal threat arrives and plans on defeating Miles and ruining his life.
Released in June of 2023, Marvel’s most recent animated film follows Miles as he attempts to stop a multiverse threat and save the world from a dreadful tragedy.
(Warning: spoilers ahead)
In the Marvel universe, the movie takes place around a year after the events of “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” Miles is having a hard time balancing being a superhero and saving the world, along with trying to get into college. On the other hand, Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) is in her own universe and is trying to keep her father from knowing her secret identity as a superhero.
The movie starts off with the Vulture (Jorma Taccone) coming into Gwen’s world. The Vulture is followed by Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Issac) and Spider-Woman (Issa Rae). The two Spider-Man variants reveal to Gwen that they are a part of a Spider-Society that cleans up the multiverse and captures villains that aren’t where they are supposed to be.
After they all fought the Vulture, Gwen’s dad (Shea Whigham) finds out her true identity and then Gwen goes off with the Spider-Man variants and joins their society.
Back in Brooklyn, Miles wants to tell his parents about his secret identity, but he doesn’t want it to ruin their relationship. All of a sudden, a random villain named The Spot (Jason Schwartzman) has a confrontation with Miles.
Miles thinks that The Spot is just another random villain that will do no harm. He thinks he is just another random villain because he deals with random harmless villains every single day.
Little does Miles know, The Spot will become the most dangerous villain and threat that he has ever faced. The Spot is able to create portals to move him from place to place and is able to control time through his portals.
As The Spot gets stronger, he gets the attention of the whole Spider-Society and as a result of this, Miles and Gwen reunite.
Personally, I really enjoyed this movie and it is one of my favorite Marvel films. Many of the recent Marvel productions feel lazy and like 100% effort wasn’t put into them, but this movie felt different. They told all sorts of storylines about Gwen, The Spot, and Miles, and every single one kept you on the edge of your seat.
One of the things that popped out to me the most was the astonishing visuals. The visuals and animation were so outstanding and visually appealing that it made it feel real and not like your casual animated movie.
Overall, I would recommend this movie to everyone no matter the age. There are many story lines throughout it, but they are all connected somehow and they all come together at the end of the movie. The action keeps the audience on their edge of the seat the whole time and the way that emotion and action was combined was near perfect. This was all I was expecting and a lot more from the time I walked into the theater.