On Nov. 7, Students in Ashley Dworak’s Business class prepared to sell students lemonade and various treats that they brought from home. The students who came in were from various other classes, and had $5.75 in fake money to spend at the various stands that the students had set up.
The business class students had to convince the incoming students to buy their lemonade, through marketing tactics like appealing posters, other drinks that aren’t lemonade, and having to take discounts to get all the money they can.
In order to get more customers and to stand out more, the students would put variations on their lemonade, like mixing it with Sprite, or selling it frozen.
“We wanted to set ourselves apart from competitors,” junior Olivia Ray said. ‘because Everyone was just mixing lemonade with another drink and we wanted to make unique lemonade.”
The goal of this activity was to get as much money from the customers as possible. In order to do that, some of the students had to take discounts as the customers had started to get low on money.
“At the very end, we had to start lowering our prices,” senior Ethan Hanson said. “So we could get the most money that we possibly could.”
This activity, despite being started two years ago, was a very unique and fun experience for the students, and was great for the teachers as they got to teach their students about the marketing process in a way that’s fun and interesting.
“For us, it’s been two years since the start of this project,” Marketing teacher Brady Hohl said. “ This assignment was an opportunity to take students through the process of making a product, in this case lemonade.”
The assignment was fun for all of the students and teachers who were involved in it. The students learned how to organize a business and how to sell the product.