Photo by Jordan Hennessy
Above is a picture of Bersch and Hennessy in their favorite outfit of the year. They are wearing Black ripped jeans, a white belt and a purple tee shirt. “Purple is both of our favorite colors,” Bersch said. “And we think the outfit is overall very cute and matches our style really well.”
Twin Tuesday is a common spirit week all about matching your whole outfit with one other person, but for seniors Karrie Bertsch and Jordan Hennessy took it one step further.
The two met in their Spanish class sophomore year and have been great friends ever since. They started participating in twin Tuesdays at the beginning of this year and plan on doing it until graduation.
“We have a ton of matching clothes from going shopping together,” Hennessy said. “Our favorite outfit that we have done is the purple tee shirt with black ripped jeans and a white belt.”
You would think that it would be hard to find different outfits each Tuesday for the whole year, but it seems that they have got it figured out since Bertsch and Hennessy both love to purchase new clothes. Every Monday the two decide what they are going to wear the next day. They have a list of all of their matching clothing items and choose from that to make a whole outfit.
“We are both really bad at making decisions so sometimes it is hard to choose what to wear,” Bertsch said. “It also heavily depends on the weather outside, and, since the school is so cold, it also depends on that.”
They both are trying to look forward to every single week of their senior year. It is a great way for them to just have fun with each other and to be involved together.
We really enjoy matching outfits and buying more together,”Hennessy said. “This was a unique and fun way to spice up our senior year.”
This is a fun and unique way for the two to be involved in the spirit of Millard West. They both document their outfits every Tuesday on their snapchats karriepotter7 and jhennessy510.