Photo by Student Council
Members of Student Council participate in spirit week in hopes of spreading on school spirit.
From December 16th through the 20th, students participated in a never before done holiday week.
This event was planned by Student Council as a way to bring the school together while keeping everyone’s spirits up during the last week of the semester and finals.
“Student Council plans themed weeks around times of the school year where everyone is excited about an event, this time being winter break,” senior co-president Olivia Oeth said. “Plus, we usually do a Holiday Spirit Week the week prior to break because everyone is already so excited to get off and be done with finals and it relieves a little bit of stress and replaces it with fun.”
Student Council had morning meetings weeks prior to determine these holiday themes for the fun filled week. After coming up with the themes, administration had to approve them two weeks in advance.
“We spend some time in one of our morning meetings brainstorming a big list of ideas such as a candy cane day and winter gear day. From there we rule out which ones we like and don’t like then do a majority vote for the winners,” Oeth said. I think this is the first time we’ve done an entirely holiday based spirit week, so it was something new for us. Once we have our themes down, we get them approved and start making posters so everyone is prepared for the week.”
Merry Morning Monday was the first holiday concept, this gave students a chance to be comfy and wear Christmas pajama pants or onsies.

During Mad About Plaid Tuesday, Students wore everything from plaid shirts, ties and jackets.

“I participated on Tuesday and wore a plaid button up,” junior Rami Hanash said. “As being part of Student Council, I felt that it was important to dress up in hopes that others would take part and join the fun.”
Winter Wonderland Wednesday was essentially a “white out” to emphasize the snow outside during the winter.

Holiday Character Thursday allowed students to dress up as their favorite characters. Many dressed up as reindeer, santa and even the grinch.

“I chose to participate in spirit week and dress up as a reindeer to show my school spirit,” junior Brooklynn Ruiz said. “Christmas is one of my favorite holidays so whenever I get the chance to dress up I always do.”
On Ugly Sweater Friday, the most participated day, everyone simply wore their ugliest sweaters.
“Personally I am a huge fan of holiday sweaters,” junior Golden Kelly said. “So when I saw my school was having a spirit week that included one of my favorite aspects of the holiday spirit I knew that I had to show my school spirit and join in on the fun.”
With the student participation this year, Student Council plans on continuing this new tradition of having a holiday filled week in future years.